2. Christmas Sale
Kristen putting up posters
Price stickers in clay club locker
if you have a ton of pots (more than a box) please go to set up and take down!
otherwise put your boxes at the end of the East Hall hallway - by clay mixing room.
3.Images are due at 2pm, Friday Dec 9th, to Kristen Muscaro (email or disc) for the EUP poster - 300dpi
4. Xmas Party - at Bowling Alley, Potluck - if you are not in Linda's class please offer to buy pizza, appetizers, etc from the Bowling Alley - they are being very nice letting us take over part of their space!
5.Library Show - Gratia will contact Karen Ernst to have a Wood Fire show early next semester.
6. Wood Kiln! Everyone is responsible for 2 shelves